Muscovy Ducks

We have four Muscovy ducks and some ducklings on the farm, three ducks and a drake (male). Their names are Elsa, Anna, Bjørn-Ole and Michael Jackson.


The muscovy is a calm and easygoing duck breed with a lot of personality! They are larger and quieter than other types of duck. They are also special for their clawed feet, which allows them to perch or roost in trees. They lay eggs that are larger and stronger shelled than chicken eggs, but can be used for cooking in the same way. They like to hide their eggs in tree trunks and other sheltered places, where they can incubate up to 30 eggs at the same time!


Our ducks wings are not clipped and can fly where they want. The drake is too heavy to fly. They have beautiful feathers that shine green in the sun. At Steim, they spend their days eating snails and small plants, swimming in the duck pond and sneaking into the neighbour’s flower bed.

  • Michael Jackson

    I look after the farm and my three ladies. Sometimes I take a trip to another farm nearby where they also have beautiful duck ladies. I'm almost always quiet, but if you get a little too close I can hiss. I also love to head-bang, give me some food and I’ll show you.

  • Elsa

    I came to the farm last year with my sister Anna. I have blonde feathers like a long braid down my chest. I am quite careful, but I like to follow what the people on the farm are up to. If you get close I might chuckle a little, but then you can see that I always have a smile on my face.

  • Anna

    I came with my sister Elsa, as she mentioned. I am curious and fearless. I can be quite mischievous, I often go to new places first and lure both Elsa and Michael Jackson with me.

  • Bjørn-Ole


    I was born on the farm last year, Anna is my mom. My siblings lives on other fars around sognefjord but I got to sta here. I went down in the pip in our pond, they had to come get me in the bigger pond later. Thats where I got my name from, beacuse there was a boy in Norway that has the same experience so im called after my pip-brother.


The duck incubated her eggs for about 30-35 days. Every summer we get some ducklings. Maybe you will be the lucky one to meet them.